trak | uplift save batteries are lead-acid batteries optimized for use in industrial trucks (such as forklifts). The trak | uplift save has a robust battery tray with lid and thus protects the battery from contamination and violent damage. In conjunction with the trak | aquafill water refill system and the trak | aquacheck electrolyte level indicator installed as standard, water refill costs can be significantly reduced. The robust design of the trak | uplift save battery pays off especially in the case of a battery rental and tough operating conditions. The combination with a trak | charger HF premium charger increases the efficiency of the battery, as save charging minimizes maintenance intervals, making it virtually maintenance-free.
Battery controller that determines the battery status from real-time measurements of the lead-acid battery and communicates with chargers, monitoring systems and industrial trucks for traction applications.
The trak | systemizer powercube is a comprehensive solution for battery changing in industrial trucks. The charging container is a fully mobile charging station with an integrated ventilation system, a heater and lighting and features a wide range…
The complete monitoring system for lead-acid batteries and chargers, from local charging station management to space, fleet and energy management including reporting and online access via cloud.