
Cool! Cooler! trak | intercooler

  • Cool! Cooler! trak | intercooler - Thursday, 04.07.2019
  • Cool! Cooler! trak | intercooler - Thursday, 04.07.2019
  • Cool! Cooler! trak | intercooler - Thursday, 04.07.2019
  • Cool! Cooler! trak | intercooler - Thursday, 04.07.2019

Since 01 April 2019 we have been offering a battery system with
new battery design and a charging station with a fan and a control
unit. The special design allows active and passive cooling. This
reduces the cooling time of the batteries in heavy-duty shift operation
in the event of temperature problems. The battery tray has DIN
external dimensions (DIN A tray 50070) and is constructed according
to a safe tray-in-tray concept. The special intercooler cells are
optimised for high current discharges. Therefore our customers
achieve longer operating times with the trak | intercooler than with
conventional batteries of the same capacity. Furthermore, the battery
system is equipped with HOPPECKE trak | air and trak | aquafill
for efficient charging and simple maintenance.
