Hoppecke Profile - Justin Herriman, Operations and Supply Chain Manager

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Hoppecke Profile - Justin Herriman, Operations and Supply Chain Manager - Monday, 13.06.2022

How long have you worked at Hoppecke? 

I spent 14 years in warehousing and logistics before joining the business in April 2016.  As operations and supply chain manager I look after our UK facility, which includes the day-to-day operation, supply chain, building upkeep and projects. With responsibility for health and safety I’m putting my IOSH training to good use.  


What attracted you to this industry? 

It was the job that appealed to me, actually. I didn’t know much about the industry when I joined Hoppecke.  I was familiar with forklifts, batteries and chargers, of course, but was used to seeing things from the operator’s perspective. Now, I get to see the other side of the coin, so to speak, and with ongoing technological developments, there’s always more to learn.  

How did your upbringing influence your life choices? 

It’s been a big influence. From an early age I respected my parents, working hard throughout school, college and university to make them proud. As a boy I loved to go to Stoke City FC matches with my dad. The deal was that I had to get my schoolwork done first. My father’s philosophy was simple: always do things to the best of your ability and get it right first time. It’s not a huge deal if you make a mistake, but don’t make it twice. I adopt the same approach throughout my professional and personal life. I always think that if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing well. 


If you had the chance to go on the road trip of a lifetime, and could only bring four people with you (living/dead, real/fictional), who would they be and where would you be going? 

I wouldn’t be anywhere without my family, so I’d take my wife and children. We’d go to the USA, travelling anywhere and everywhere, from coast to coast. I’m keen to visit cities like New York and Las Vegas, but it’s a big country and it would be great to explore and create wonderful memories with my family. 


What single quality do you think has contributed to your success? 

A determination to succeed. In my book, there’s no such word as can’t. I’ve always knuckled down and worked hard. It’s the only way to get what you want out of life. I suppose I’ve got a positive outlook, as I think there’s always a way to solve a problem, and sometimes you just have to work at finding it.  

What secret ambitions/talents do you have? 

I’m becoming quite a good mentor. I enjoy building my team and helping people to realise their potential. I get great support from my own managers at Hoppecke, so I try to do my bit to help others. The team builds batteries, so I learned too. By understanding the process I was able to identify ways to do it better, quicker and more safely. It’s great seeing people achieve and if we’re all getting better at what we do, it can only be good for the business. 


What keeps you getting up and doing this every morning? 

I love it! Work is a huge part of our lives and I’m a firm believer that you’ve got to enjoy your job to do it well. Plus, you get to achieve a happy work/life balance.  


What do you do to relax or have fun? 

For my sins I watch Stoke City whenever I can. I‘ve enjoyed playing 5-a-side football for years and just before Covid our team won the league. I’m also a huge F1 fan and had an amazing time at the 2019 British Grand Prix. Charity events bring out that spirit of camaraderie, which is great. I’ve completed the Three Peaks Challenge three times and, although I’m no runner, finished the Potters ‘Arf Marathon in just under two hours. I reckon I’m looking for the next fun challenge, although we’re out and about a lot as a family so there’s not much spare time, especially since my daughter competes in dance competitions across the UK with her dance school. 


What advice do you have for others, maybe younger people, in this industry? 

Do the best you can every single day. Keep an open mind and aim high. You will get there.  

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